mardi 6 septembre 2016

jcage1729's trading journal

day 1:
6 september 2016.

background: as usual 1 lot banknifty16sepfut.
uses cover order, mis

trade 1:
shorted at 20252
stop loss at 20330
profit target 1x risk
probability while placing trade 60%
end result stop loss triggered
p&l = -78/share

trade 2:
long at 20353
stoploss at 20273
profit target 1x risk
probaility while placing trade 50 - 60 %
end result target reached at 14:55. wanted to continue the position. kept on trailing the stop loss one tick less than the previous bar's low. till 15:15. got out around at 20512.
p&l = 159/share

Thank god, i was on vacation and had time to monitor the second trade if not my profit for the day would have been flat.

jcage1729's trading journal

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