mercredi 19 octobre 2016

p & f afl upgrade

hi there finally got an working p & f afl from any other forum but the problem is that friend having the amibroker 5.7 and tested it on ami 5.7 and i have amibroker 6.2 , i had tried to improve it but i failed and getting errors , please can any one revise it for amibroker 6.1 or .2 here the code and snaps

_SECTION_BEGIN( "Point & Figure w Values adj" );

GraphXSpace = 5;

SetChartBkColor( ParamColor( "BackGroundColor", colorBlack) );

//GraphColor = ParamColor("GarphColor",colorLightGrey);

GridColor = ParamColor( "GridColor", colorLightGrey );

Scaling = ParamList( "Scaling Method", "Traditional|Percentage|AVG True
Range" );

if ( scaling == "Traditional" )

Box = Param( "Box", 1, 0.2, 10, 0.1 );


if ( scaling == "Percentage" )

Box = Param( "Box ", 1, 0.2, 10, 0.1 ) / 100 * LastValue( C );


if ( scaling == "AVG True Range" )

Box = Param( "Box", 1, 0.3, 5, 0.1 ) * LastValue( ATR ( 20 ) );

shiftChart = 0;

shiftLastClose = 1;

shiftGrid = 7;

shiftPriceAxis = 2;

Reverse = Param( "Reverse", 3, 1, 5 );

j = 0;

PFL[0] = Box * ceil( Low[0] / Box ) + Box;

PFH[0] = Box * floor( High[0] / Box );

direction = 0;

for ( i = 1; i < BarCount; i++ )


if ( direction[j] == 0 )


if ( Low[i] <= PFL[j] - Box )


PFL[j] = Box * ceil( Low[i] / Box );




if ( High[i] >= PFL[j] + Reverse*Box )



direction[j] = 1;

PFH[j] = Box * floor( High[i] / Box );

PFL[j] = PFL[j - 1] + Box;






if ( High[i] >= PFH[j] + Box )


PFH[j] = Box * floor( High[i] / Box );




if ( Low[i] <= PFH[j] - Reverse * Box )



direction[j] = 0;

PFH[j] = PFH[j - 1] - Box;

PFL[j] = Box * ceil( Low[i] / Box );





delta = BarCount - j - 1;

direction = Ref( direction, - delta );

Hi = Ref( PFH, -delta ) + Box / 2;

Lo = Ref( PFL, -delta ) - Box / 2;

Cl = IIf( direction == 1, Hi, Lo );

Op = IIf( direction == 1, Cl - Box, Cl + Box );

Graphcolor = IIf( direction == 1, ParamColor( "X_Color", colorBrightGreen),

ParamColor( "O_Color", colorRed ) );

PlotOHLC( Op, Hi, Lo, Cl, "", GraphColor ,

stylePointAndFigure | styleNoLabel, 0, 0 , shiftChart );

PlotOHLC( Op, Hi, Lo, Cl, "", GraphColor , stylePointAndFigure |
styleNoLabel, 0, 0 , shiftChart );

Last = Ref( LastValue( C ), -( BarCount - 1 ) );

Plot( Last, "", colorRed, styleNoLine | styleDots, 0 , 0, shiftLastClose );

// selected value

Value = IIf( direction > 0, SelectedValue( Hi ) - box / 2, SelectedValue( Lo ) + box / 2 );




PlotGridLines = ParamToggle( "PlotdGrid", "Yes! |No", 1 ) ;

if ( PlotGridLines )


begin = SelectedValue( BarIndex() );

end = LastValue( BarIndex() );

period = end - begin + 1;

if ( begin < end )


ScreenHigh = LastValue( HHV( cl, period ) );

ScreenLow = LastValue( LLV( Cl, period ) );

top = LineArray( begin - shiftGrid, screenHigh, end, screenhigh, 0 , 1);

Bot = LineArray( begin - shiftGrid, screenlow, end, screenLow, 0, 1 );

Plot( top, "", gridColor, styleLine | styleNoLabel , 0, 0, shiftGrid );

//Plot( bot, "", gridColor,styleLine|styleNoLabel, 0 , 0 , shiftGrid);

VerticalGrid = IIf ( BarIndex() >= begin, IIf( direction == 1,screenHigh, screenLow ), Null );

Plot ( VerticalGrid, "", gridColor, styleStaircase | styleNoLabel, 0, 0, 1 );

format = 8.2;

for ( n = LastValue( bot ); n < LastValue( top ) - 0.5*box; n = n + box );


Plot( bot , "", gridColor, styleLine | styleNoLabel, 0, 0 , shiftGrid );

text = NumToStr( LastValue( bot ) + 0.5 * box, format );

xposition = BarCount + shiftPriceaxis;

yPosition = LastValue( bot ) + 0.27 * box;

PlotText( text, xPosition , yPosition, colorBlue );

bot = bot + box;

Graphcolor = IIf( direction == 1, ParamColor( "X_Color", colorBrightGreen ),

ParamColor( "O_Color", colorRed ) );

PlotOHLC( Op, Hi, Lo, Cl, "", GraphColor ,

stylePointAndFigure | styleNoLabel, 0, 0 , shiftChart );







Title = "\n" +

" Instrument : " + Name() + FullName() + "\n " +

"Formula : " + " Point & Figure (High/Low Range)" + "\n " +

"Box : " + NumToStr( Box, 4.4 ) + " " +

"Reverse : " + NumToStr( Reverse, 2.0 ) + "\n " +

"ATR : " + WriteVal( LastValue( ATR( 100 ) ), format = 4.4 );


please guide given much mcuh on this

p & f afl upgrade

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