jeudi 1 décembre 2016

UPI - Unified Payment Interface - Experiences, opinions, advice etc.

Please post your experiences with the UPI. Looks like it's going to be the next big thing and everyone will be using it to some extent. I don't have a smartphone so will welcome any experiences with UPI using smartphone.

I just saw an ad on TV saying that you can use UPI even if your phone does not have internet; and decided to give it a try.
  1. Dialled *99#.
  2. Got a message asking me to input 3 characters to identify the bank name.
  3. Replied with "UBI".
  4. It sent back another SMS giving out a menu of services (1. Balance check, 2. make payment etc..etc..).
  5. Replied with 1 (balance check). Got a reply saying "Phone number is not registered". Surprised, because my phone no. is registered in the bank. Will check with the bank about it.
  6. Tried again using "CBI" (central bank).
  7. Got a message saying "External service is down".
Ok. First time. The application recognizes the bank name, has some issues further on. Will improve in due time, just as with the railway enquiries message.

Please post your experiences.

UPI - Unified Payment Interface - Experiences, opinions, advice etc.

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